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Best laptop accessories for students
By cooldude | March 12, 2012
Do you want to gift your college student brother something different for this birthday this time? Well, in that case you can consider laptop accessories. Here are some options for you. You can get a wireless mouse for your brother. It will be a wonderful gift if your brother is not very keen on maneuvering his laptop keyboard with his fingers. Moreover, with a wireless mouse, he needs to sit at a table instead of slouching on his bed; this will do him a world of good.
Every college student needs a printer and you can get one for your brother. A printer with a scanner is definitely a good idea and will make it easier for your brother to submit his projects. Get your brother a backpack case that doubles up as a laptop case, a laptop bag is also not a bad idea. Your brother will definitely love it if you gift him a laptop cooling pad.
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