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How can I access internet from Home Server?
By qwcdirect | February 23, 2011
With the help of remote desktop connection it’s possible to access home server. With this you get connected to the computer when you are away from the place even out of the house. For that you should know you IP address, and at the same time valid login ID and password must be given as input. With the help of IP address finder sites on the internet, you need to just browse internet and get the IP address for the home server.
Once you know your IP, click on the option of Remote desktop program. Then in the run option present in Start button, type MSTSC and then press ok button. A RDP window will appear in front of your screen, in that you need to enter UP address, user name and the password. You will be connected to the home server and once done you can easily browse internet through the connection established.
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