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Dot matrix: a pain for printing pictures
By Server Tech | December 6, 2010
Dot Matrix printers are the first generation printers, which were used almost two decades back. In case you have been to the banks and other business areas, you could never avoid the painful sound of printing – that was dot matrix for you. However, for banking purpose, people never required graphics as it was always used to print standard journals or receipts. However, time has changed and printouts require proper logo of the bank or organization. Hence, the dot matrix world was considered obsolete.
Apart from documents, one would not be able to print out any pictures through dot-matrix. Dot matrix printers support only one color as the color ribbon used can only be one. Alternatively, the resolution is disastrous in terms of image printing and it is hard to identify an object in one color. The best you can print using the dot matrix printer would be shapes, which are identifiable.
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