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LCD monitors: advantages
By qwcdirect | April 19, 2011
Television industry has made some impressive progress in electronic industry. The quality you get in your current screens is 500% better than it used to be 15- 20 years back. If you like to watch movies a lot on your television, play video games on play station or Xbox and tired of having a big fat television capturing a big place on your table. Then LCD is the right screen for you to go.
LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display; it has completely changed the science of television industry. LCDs are so thin and light that they can be even hanged on the wall to give you a new sensational look in your room. Plus, LCDs use a very little space so it provides you enough space to put different stuff on your table and room.
Other than size, a crystal clear crisp video quality is the added benefit of LCDs. Watching movies on LCDs makes the experience worth it.
Topics: Computers & Peripheries, Electronics, Technology | No Comments »